Curriculum & Instruction

In the realm of education, Curriculum & Instruction stands as a pivotal field dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of learning and optimizing educational practices. It's a discipline that delves into the dynamic interplay between what is taught (curriculum) and how it is taught (instruction), ultimately aiming to enhance learner outcomes.

At the heart of Curriculum & Instruction lies a commitment to research, development, and implementation. This involves investigating effective teaching methodologies, crafting and refining educational content, and introducing innovations that foster student achievement. By blending insights from diverse disciplines and leveraging real-world experience in educational settings, professionals in this field continuously strive to enrich the learning experience.


Fall Semester: February 1 for priority admission, April 15 Deadline
Spring Semester: November 15

What Program is Right for Me

I'm a certified teacher who wants to advance my teaching expertise:

  • The Certificate of Education Specialist (EdS) program is intended primarily for teachers, counselors, supervisors, and administrators in elementary and secondary schools. This program provides in-depth opportunities for further professional growth and specialization for persons who have completed the master’s degree.
  • The Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction (MEd) is designed for certified teachers who want to advance their teaching expertise and provide preparation for individuals interested in leadership positions in schools and school districts.

I'm interested in pursuing my PhD or furthering my professional development:

Certificate of Education Specialist | EdS

The Certificate of Education Specialist (EdS) program is intended primarily for teachers, counselors, supervisors, and administrators in elementary and secondary schools. This program provides in-depth opportunities for further professional growth and specialization for persons who have completed the master’s degree. A minimum of 60 hours of graduate credit, which may include the master’s degree, is required. Specializations include language arts/children’s literature, counseling, curriculum studies, early childhood education, English education, foreign language education, gifted education, mathematics education, reading/ literacy, science education, social studies education, and special education.

The school-level academic course plan will be developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. The committee will include the student’s major advisor and at least two additional members of the graduate faculty such that the LSU Graduate School’s requirements for graduate committees are satisfied.

The degree is a non-thesis degree requiring a minimum of 60 credit hours at the graduate level.

To be eligible for this specialization students must:

  • have earned a Master’s degree in Counseling that is comparable to the departmental Master’s program in School or Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • must wait at least one year from the date of earning their Master’s degree to be considered.
  • have a minimum score of 297 on the GRE, at least a 3.0 undergraduate GPA, and cumulative graduate-level GPA must be at least 3.5 

The curricular requirements include:

  • 60 hours in the specialization
  • A 300 hour internship

The student must pass a comprehensive final exam consisting of a series of written questions pertaining to the student’s specialization.

To be eligible for this specialization, students should have a minimum composite score of 297, with a minimum verbal score of 153 and a minimum quantitative score of 144.

Required coursework:

Select from areas such as Educational Foundations, Special Education, Multicultural Education, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Human Development, or Anthropology. The courses must be from two different areas.

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7006 (4)
ELRC 7010 (3)
ELRC 7220 (3)
ELRC 7243 (4)
ELRC 7805 (3)

must include 18 credit hours beyond master's degree

EDCI 4060 (3)
EDCI 4382 (3)
*EDCI 7610, 7684, 7768 (6) or approved equivalent
EDCI 7051 (3)
EDCI 7054 (3)
EDCI 7055 (3)
EDCI 7056 (3)
EDCI 7057 (3)
EDCI 7059 (3)
EDCI 7112 (3)
EDCI 7307 (up to 6 if topics vary)
EDCI 7821 (3)
EDCI 7822 (3)
EDCI 7824 (3)
EDCI 7825 (3)
EDCI 7843 (3)
EDCI 7902 (3)
EDCI 7903 (3)
EDCI 7904 (3)
EDCI 7920 (3)
EDCI 7921 (3) 

Approved by program advisor.

Required coursework:

Approved by program advisor.

EDCI 7475 (3)
ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249
PSYC 4111 (3)

A focus and coursework will be selected by joint agreement between student and advisor in consultation with other faculty members as needed. Must include 18 hours beyond Masters.

EDCI 7610 (6)
or approved equivalent

Approved by program advisor. 

Required coursework:

Select from areas such as educational foundations, special education, multicultural education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, human development, or anthropology. The courses must be from two different areas.

EDCI 7475 (3)
ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249
PSYC 4111 (3)
or approved equivalent

EDCI 5880 (3)
EDCI 7307 (3)
EDCI 7308 (3)
EDCI 7308 (3)
EDCI 7921 (3)
EDCI 7930 (3)
EDCI 7931 (3)
EDCI 7931 (3)

  • A focus and coursework are selected by joint agreement between student and advisor, in consultation with other faculty members as needed. Course topics are specific to the Science Education specialization.  
  • Must include 18 hours beyond the Masters. 
  • Students may take special topics courses (e.g., EDCI 7308, EDCI 7931) more than once, if the topic is different.

EDCI 7610 (6)
or approved equivalent

and select one of the following courses:

EDCI 7821 (2-4)
EDCI 7822 (2-4)
EDCI 7824 (3)
EDCI 7825 (3)
EDCI 7843 (3)
EDCI 7901 (3)
EDCI 7902 (3)
EDCI 7903 (3)
or approved equivalent

Approved by program advisor. 

Curricular requirements include:

  • Six hours of Humanistic and Behavioral Studies
  • Six hours in research
  • 30 hours in the area of specialization
  • 18 hours of electives

The student must complete all required course work with a 3.0 GPA or higher, and must successfully complete a required six-hour practicum in the area of specialization. No final exam is required for these specializations.

Master of Education (MEd)

The Master of Education (MEd) is designed to advance the knowledge base of certified teachers, provide preparation for individuals interested in leadership positions in schools and school districts, and prepare school counselors.

Specializations include early childhood education, elementary education, English education, foreign language education, language arts/children’s literature, mathematics education, reading/literacy, science education, social studies education, and special education.

The school-level academic course plan for each student will be developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. The committee will include the student’s major advisor and at least two additional members of the graduate faculty such that the LSU Graduate School’s requirements for graduate committees are satisfied.

The degree requires 36 credit hours at the graduate level. Students may opt to do a thesis project, a non-thesis project, or neither.

  • At least 18 hours at the 7000 level or above (excluding thesis research hours).
  • At least 21 credit hours within the School of Education.
  • A core area of 12 hours including at least 3 hours each in curriculum studies, research, technology, and humanistic and behavioral studies.
  • 12 hours in an area of specialization. Specializations may include early childhood education, elementary education, English education, foreign language education, language arts/children’s literature, math education, reading/literacy, science education, social studies education, and special education.
  • Six to twelve hours of electives selected in consultation with the major advisor.

The student must pass a comprehensive final exam consisting of a series of written questions pertaining to the student’s specialization.

To be eligible for this specialization, students should have a minimum composite score of 297, with a minimum verbal score of 153 and a minimum quantitative score of 144.

Required coursework:

EDCI 7824 (3)
EDCI 7825 (3)
EDCI 7901 (3)

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7243 (3)
EDCI 7850 (3)

ELRC 4507 (3)
ELRC 4535 (3)
ELRC 7505 (3)

EDCI 4800 (3)
EDCI 7106 (3)
EDCI 7904 (3)

Select at least 3 from list below in consultation with your advisor
*required courses

CFS 7051 (3)
CFS 7057
EDCI 4060
EDCI 4382 (3)
EDCI 7054 (3)*
EDCI 7055 (3-6)*
EDCI 7056 (3)*
EDCI 7059 (3)
EDCI 7112 (3)
EDCI 7307 (up to 6)
EDCI 7843 (3)
EDCI 7902 (3)
EDCI 7903 (3)
EDCI 7904 (3)
EDCI 7910 (3)
EDCI 7920 (3)
EDCI 7921 (3)

Thesis credit (6)
Minor area of study outside of the School of Education - select in consultation with your advisor (6)

The 36 credit-hour requirement may be met in one of three ways:

  • 30 hours of coursework and a thesis carrying 6 credit hours;
  • 33 hours of coursework and a research project carrying 3 credit hours; or
  • 36 hours of coursework and a written comprehensive examination.

At least one half of the minimum required credit must be at or above the 7000 level and at least 21 credit hours must be taken within the School of Education.

Required coursework:

EDCI 7824 (3)

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7902  (3)
or approved equivalent

ELRC 4507 (3)

EDCI 4800 (3)

Students will meet with the major advisor to identify courses in a  area of specialization (early childhood, literacy, math, reading, science, social studies, or special education).

Electives may include courses outside the School of Education. Electives are approved by the major advisor.

The 36 credit-hour requirement may be met in one of three ways:

  • 30 hours of coursework and a thesis carrying 6 credit hours;
  • 33 hours of coursework and a research project carrying 3 credit hours; or
  • 36 hours of coursework and a written comprehensive examination.

At least one half of the minimum required credit must be at or above the 7000 level and at least 21 credit hours must be taken within the School of Education.

Required coursework:

EDCI 7824 (3)
EDCI 7825 (3)
EDCI 7901 (3)

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7243 (4)
or approved equivalent

ELRC 4507 (3)
ELRC 4535 (3)
ELRC 7505 (3)
or approved equivalent

EDCI 4800 (3)
EDCI 7904 (3)
EDCI 7106 (3) 
or approved equivalent

EDCI 7142  (3)
EDCI 7143  (3)
EDCI 7311 (3)

The departmental-level academic course plan is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee.

Electives may include courses outside the School of Education. Electives are approved by the major advisor.

Required coursework:

ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 4006 (3)

EDCI 7760 Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented
EDCI 7761 Models and Strategies for Teaching the Gifted
EDCI 7762 Creative Behavior
EDCI 7763 Developing Curriculum for the Gifted
EDCI 7764 Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted
EDCI 7768 Practicum in Education for the Gifted
ELRC 4507 Computer Technology in Education (or equivalent)


EDCI 7760 (3) 
EDCI 7761 (3) 
EDCI 7762 (3) 
EDCI 7763 (3) 
EDCI 7764 (3) 
EDCI 7768 (3) 
ELRC 4507 (or equivalent)

EDCI 7105 (3) 
EDCI 7109
EDCI 7111
EDCI 7130
EDCI 7131
EDCI 7312
EDCI 7313
EDCI 7314
EDCI 7315
EDCI 7843
EDCI 7930
or approved courses outside the School of Education

9 hours of advanced coursework in one content area (e.g. ENGL 4001, ENGL 4007, ENGL 4055, ENGL 4071)

The 36 credit-hour requirement may be met in one of three ways:

30 hours of coursework and a thesis carrying 6 credit hours;
33 hours of coursework and a research project carrying 3 credit hours; or
36 hours of coursework and a written comprehensive examination.
At least one half of the minimum required credit must be at or above the 7000 level and at least 21 credit hours must be taken within the School of Education.

Required coursework:

EDCI 7824 (3)
EDCI 7825 (3)
EDCI 7901 (3)

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7243 (4)

ELRC 4507 (3)
ELRC 4535 (3)
ELRC 7505 (3)

EDCI 4800 (3)
EDCI 7904 E(3)
EDCI 7106 (3)

EDCI 7109 (3)
EDCI 7141 (3)
EDCI 7309 (3)
EDCI 7312 (3)
EDCI 7921 (3)

Electives may include courses outside the School of Education.  Electives are determined in consultation with the major advisor.

The 36 credit-hour requirement may be met in one of three ways:

30 hours of coursework and a thesis carrying 6 credit hours;
33 hours of coursework and a research project carrying 3 credit hours; or
36 hours of coursework and a written comprehensive examination.
At least one half of the minimum required credit must be at or above the 7000 level and at least 21 credit hours must be taken within the School of Education.

Required coursework:

EDCI 7824  (3)
EDCI 7825 (3)
EDCI 7901 (3)

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7243 (4)
or approved equivalent

ELRC 4507 (3)
ELRC 4535 (3)
ELRC 7505 (3)
or approved equivalent

EDCI 4800 (3)
EDCI 7106 (3)
EDCI 7904 (3)
or approved equivalent

EDCI 7105 (depends on emphasis) (3)
EDCI 7131  (3)
EDCI 7682
(3) (prereq. EDCI 7105)
EDCI 7683 (3) (prereq. EDCI 7105 and EDCI 7682)

These are required courses for the Louisiana endorsement. You must be eligible for or hold a Louisiana teaching license and have taught for three years.

The academic course plan for area of specialization is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee.

Electives may include courses outside the School of Education.  Electives are determined in consultation with the major advisor.

The 36 credit-hour requirement may be met in one of three ways:

30 hours of coursework and a thesis carrying 6 credit hours;
33 hours of coursework and a research project carrying 3 credit hours; or
36 hours of coursework and a written comprehensive examination.
At least one half of the minimum required credit must be at or above the 7000 level and at least 21 credit hours must be taken within the School of Education.

Required coursework:

EDCI 7824 (3)
EDCI 7825 (3)
EDCI 7901 (3)

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7243 (4)
or approved equivalent

ELRC 4507 (3)
ELRC 4535 (3)
ELRC 7505 (3)
or approved equivalent

EDCI 4800 (3)
EDCI 7904 (3)
EDCI 7106 (3)
or approved equivalent

The departmental-level academic course plan is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. 

Students may take special topics courses (e.g., EDCI 7308, EDCI 7931) more than one time if the topic is different.

EDCI 5880 (3)
EDCI 7307 (3)
EDCI 7308 (3)
EDCI 7308 (3)
EDCI 7921 (3)
EDCI 7930 (3)
EDCI 7931 (3)
EDCI 7931 (3)

Electives may include courses outside the School of Education.  Electives are determined in consultation with the major advisor.

Candidates select an area of specialization. Assessment and evaluation provides advanced training in the assessment and evaluation of individual students and school programming. Instructional and behavioral support specialization provides advanced training in the design, delivery, and supervision of instructional and behavioral supports in schools.

Assessment and Evaluation Required Coursework

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
EDCI 7021 (3)
EDCI 7705 (3) *

* Requirement for Education Diagnostician endorsement

EDCI 4710 (3) * 
EDCI 6702 (3) *
EDCI 6703 (3) *
EDCI 7009 (3) * 
EDCI 7010 (3) * 
EDCI 7017 (3) or
EDCI 7018 (3) *
EDCI 7682 (3) * 
EDCI 7683 (3) *

Comprehensive Exam required 

* Requirements for endorsement as an Educational Diagnostician.

Applied learning theory requirement
EDCI 7705
EDCI 6703
EDCI 4710
EDCI 7017 or EDCI 7018
EDCI 6702
EDCI 7009  
EDCI 7010

Elementary - EDCI 7682 and EDCI 7683


Secondary - EDCI 7105EDCI 7682, and EDCI 7683

Instructional and Behavioral Support Required Coursework

ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 4249 (3)
EDCI 7021 (3)
EDCI 7705 (3) 

EDCI 6701 (3)
EDCI 6702 (3)
EDCI 6703 (3) 
EDCI 6704 (3)
EDCI 7017 (3)
EDCI 7018 (3)
EDCI 7713 (3) 
Approved elective - must be at the 7000 level (3)

Comprehensive Exam required 

Master of Arts (MA)

The Master of Arts (MA) draws upon education and learning principles to prepare students to become leaders, scholars, and agents of change in educational, community, and human service settings. This specialization serves students in a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds who are pursuing a wide range of goals from PhD admission to furthering professional development in various educational fields, including social foundations, museum education, nursing education, community activism, and policy studies.

The degree requires 36 credit hours at the graduate level with a thesis option of 30 hours of coursework. The student must pass a comprehensive final exam consisting of a series of written questions pertaining to the field of study.

Required Coursework

ELRC 4249 (3)
ELRC 7001 (3)

Choose one
EDCI 7901 (3)
ELRC 7601  (3)
ELRC 7393 (3)

EDCI 7904 (3)
EDCI 4800 (3)

ANTH 4090 (3)
ELRC 4006 (3)
ELRC 7220 (3)
ELRC 7243 (3)

The course plan is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee.

The course plan is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee.